The first analysis to be made with this information from the above link is to learn which standards needs to be retaught. Looking at the information on the spreadsheet shows that Standard 10, M:04:DSP:6.2 (S), Analyzes patterns, trends, or distributions in data in a variety of contexts by determining or using measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) or dispersion (range) to analyze situations, or to solve problem,should be the first to be retaught due to 10 incorrect answers out of 12 students. Next to be retaught would be Standard 6. M:01:NO:6.4 (S), Accurately solves problems involving single or multiple operations on fractions (proper, improper, and mixed), or decimals; and addition or subtraction of integers; percent of a whole; or problems involving greatest common factor or least common multiple. 9 out of the twelve students answered incorrectly about this standard. The next most difficult standard for students was M:03:FA:6.1 (S). Identifies and extends to specific cases a variety of patterns (linear and nonlinear) represented in models, tables, sequences, graphs, or in problem situations; or writes a rule in words or symbols for finding specific cases of a linear relationship; or writes a rule in words or symbols for finding specific cases of a nonlinear relationship; and writes an expression or equation using words or symbols to express the generalization of a linear relationship (e.g., twice the term number plus 1 or 2n + 1), which was answered incorrectly by 8 out of the twelve students. These three standards should be retaught whole class, even students meeting the standards would benefit from reinforcement.
For student grouping there is a few ways to group the students. The different groupings should be used by the teacher in different ways. The first grouping would be small homogenous group that would include students who did not meet the standards. This group would receive small group re-teaching mini- lessons. These are Zamsung K., Zoran B., and Zyntar C. Another homogenous group to receive re-teaching might be Zup C., Zhield H., and Zancy D. A group of homogenous students who met the standards would include Zinvis E., Zuitar F., and Zurii G., for a review of the standards in small group, I would recommend heterogeneous grouping in small groups to do a reinforcing lesson of the standards.
The data clearly shows that there are struggling students around the standards, those who got a high number of questions incorrect. The data also shows no student got every standard question correct, meaning for each standard there are students who could be grouped for reteaching. The strategies for the teacher to consider would be small group re-teaching or reinforcement, in addition to large group review.
The tool I used was Google Sheets, and actually a spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel first, then downloaded onto Sheets. This is because the Microsoft software is richer in features and this assignment had a lot of information which made it fairly complex. Once in Google Sheets, color was added which made a positive impact on readability. For Web 2.0 tools, embedding the questions in a Google survey would allow students to work online and the results could be viewed in real time by the instructor. The questions could be sent school-wide.
The tool I used was Google Sheets, and actually a spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel first, then downloaded onto Sheets. This is because the Microsoft software is richer in features and this assignment had a lot of information which made it fairly complex. Once in Google Sheets, color was added which made a positive impact on readability. For Web 2.0 tools, embedding the questions in a Google survey would allow students to work online and the results could be viewed in real time by the instructor. The questions could be sent school-wide.
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