Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge or TPACK is a
framework showing the knowledge teachers need to teach with technology. The
TPACK framework extends Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Shulman, 1987).
This TPACK framework, is how three essential forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK) connect. With the TPACK system, a teacher weaves these three forms of knowledge together within the context of the topic one is teaching. As shown above, using a Venn diagram, the intersection of the three essential knowledge forms is when TPACK can be identified with technology integration (Venn).
Implementing this method into their classroom, a teacher would have to take a purposeful, timely approach. Working through the teaching curriculum unit by unit, then lesson by lesson, a teacher would apply these methods to the curriculum. Working on a team to do this, and/or with an experienced technology integration specialist would be the ideal scenario. Also, having the support of administration would be important as well.
One obstacle a teacher might face is being overwhelmed. Without the time, guidance and support required, it would be very challenging to implement TPAC across all lessons. Another might be the level of tech hardware available.
Looking over the table of activity types is very exciting, as there are many resources listed to use in order to implement the activities. Starting with the first, the use of electronic books is very engaging for students. eBooks that use multimedia with video, sound, pictures, animation, artwork and weblinks are just so far beyond what a traditional textbook is or can do. Another is student research, which today is far more sophisticated than it was just 3-4 years ago. The digital resources available to students are helping them to become expert researchers. The table follows Bloom’s Taxonomy in a way. The Product Expression activities in Table 6 represent higher order thinking.
With motivation and support, many of the activities, if not all, could be integrated into any core curricular subject.
TPACK.ORG. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.
Shumlan. "Knowledge
and Teaching, Foundation for the New Reform." Harvard Educational
Review (1987): n. pag. Web.
Venn (1834–1923),
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